S C H O O L S  for  Y O U T H

                    Escaping Poverty -  Help je mee?

The Board of the Schools for Youth Foundation
The board of the Schools for Youth Foundation consists of at least three members, namely a chairman, treasurer, and secretary. The board may be supplemented by two general board members, with or without a clearly defined function. However, preferably the board is kept small and concise to promote effective decision-making.

The board is supported in LIra by a paid for coordinator and his assistant. They are our on-site staff who have daily contact with students, bosses, teachers, and communities. The coordinators are in turn supported by a steering committee consisting of representatives from the district councils.

Our compensation policy for the board itself is simple. There is no compensation for the board's activities. We ask the board and our volunteers not to claim expenses but to donate them to the Foundation. If this causes problems, the actual expenses can be claimed at a maximum.  








Jaap Kool, is a psychiatrist and
is very much involved in Africa.
He is a psychotrauma specialist



Paul Kalis has a background
in sr. operational management
in both Finance and public healthcare 

Hatice Bolek is a freelance journalist and coach. 
" I flourish on inspiring talks that make
 me grow as a professional".
Equality, diversity and emancipation
are the core of my vision on interaction.

